EVERYTHING IS CHAOS: Lattara archaeological site, Henri Prades Museum, Montpellier.

19 November 2022 - 3 April 2023

Their voices echo in chorus tonight. All is chaos

Opening the doors of the archaeological collections to contemporary art is one of the special features of the Lattara-musée Henri Prades archaeological site, which each year invites an artist to immerse themselves in the museum's permanent exhibition. The resulting exhibition establishes a fertile dialogue between contemporary works of art, most of them produced on this occasion, and those discovered during the archaeological digs.


Their choral voices echo through the night. All is chaos. This phrase, spoken by a thousand throats, becomes a song of struggle, handed down from generation to generation. The echo goes back much further, millennia, when the first peoples of water and sand sang. Based on queer archaeology, Aïcha Snoussi imagines the history of a vanished civilization on the Mediterranean coast. Through the khàos - the rift - her work cracks open official narratives to accommodate other narratives. Mirroring the objects in the museum, new relics tell the story of bodies still singing beneath the sea.